As a child I loved going to the tree farm with the family to find that perfect Christmas tree. We would all get bundled up into our snow gear. We would then catch a ride on the hey ride. The hey ride would take you all over the tree farm. The tree farm had some lots separated per kind of Christmas trees. Dad we often have a certain kind of tree in mind. We would get off the hey ride at the appropriate lot. Then we walked, talked, and searched for the tree we wanted. Once we found the tree we would put a ribbon on the tree to claim it.
The Christmas tree could either be cut down by us or we could as a worker to cut it down. My sibling and I liked helping Dad to cut down the tree, even through Dad did most of the work. Then we would all help carry the tree down to the main path. There would then be two hey rides back. One of the hey rides was for the trees and the other for us. Dad would ride with the tree while Mom took us up to the main store. I loved going to to main store. There was a giant fireplace and hot chocolate to warm you up. The building was full of neat nic nac and Christmas items. Dad would get the tree all loaded up.
Getting the perfect Christmas tree has made lots of wonderful memories for me to remember. You can do the same and this article written by Analana is the great start to find your own perfect Christmas tree. These are memories that your family will remember for a very long time.
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